Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Letter to Wawa Employees/Customers

Dear Employees/Customers of Wawa,

Sometimes, I have to come to work in my period clothes. I am well aware that they look funny to you, but you need to stop staring. If I were wearing a McDonald's uniform or a police officers uniform, you would not do a double take. If you are over the age of 12 and staring with your mouth hanging open, I am forced to believe you have no manners. These clothes are really not that crazy.

Please understand, I expect your curiosity. I do not mind if you ask me a questions. However your questions of "So, you Amish/Mormon/Jewish?" are, frankly, insulting to me, you, and each of those religions. First, assuming you have seen someone who is Amish, Jewish, or Mormon, you do not approach them and ask if they are said religion. Second, you KNOW that that is not the reason I am dressed that way. If it were, you would not have the need to ask. Do you walk up to man with a yarmulke and ask if he is Jewish? No, you identify by the yarmulke that he is Jewish. If you actually suspect a person is of a certain religion, you don't walk up to him or her and ask to be sure. So why do you ask me? Also, what if I am Jewish, Amish, Mormon? Let's be real, here. You don't care what my religion is, you are asking about my clothes.

Now, if I see a lady wearing a gorgeous scarf, I will say: "That's a gorgeous scarf! Where did you get it?" or something to that affect. I won't say, " cold?" I would hope you do not walk up to a person in a wheelchair and say, "So...handicapped, huh?" so why approach some dressed differently and ask, "So...Amish?" That is not a way to start a conversation,  people!

Now, Wawa employees/customers, Wawa has fantastic has been observed without it, I am, in fact, sub-human. I did not get out of a car in 1800's clothing to make you uncomfortable. I got out of my car because I wanted coffee. So stop looking at me like I am an omen that you are going to have a bad day. Realize that I can in fact see you staring at/blatantly talking about me. I am not an alien. I am blessed to have two working ears and eyes. I can see and hear you. Have some manners. Have some tact.

As I said, you have questions. I get that. I love to talk about why I'm in 1800s era clothing. Please, just ask the real question: "Why are you dressed like that?" I'm happy to tell you. Just don't insult both of our intelligence. Also, please, please, please don't make cracks at being funny. Unless you are a professional comedian, don't do their job. If a five year old asks a police officer if his gun is real, the officer will usually say yes and explain. If a 35 year old asks the same question, the officer will either think he is being a smart aleck or a simpleton. ...this is true in all occupations.  If you say something like, "they didn't have phones back then!" and you aren't under 12, I will not commend you for your keen observation. I have heard it before. A lot. Also, if I am wearing all the clothes of the 1800s...ya think, maybe I know cars weren't around?

Long vent short, Wawa employees/customers...if someone is different than you, don't treat them like they are. If you don't understand something, just ask. And most of all, don't make me feel uncomfortable for wanting to get a cup of coffee.

And to mellow things out between us, if you can't remember anything else, when you see me dressed this way, regardless of your age, "You look like a princess"with a smile, is always acceptable.

Til we meet again,



  1. Very well said Mary. It's always surprising and sad how inconsiderate individuals are of differences we may exhibit, in how we look, dress, speak, etc.

    I hope someone thinks twice before they embarrass themselves again.

    I am glad you responded. You demonstrate pride and courage, much more than most people have, especially those critics!

    Aunt Di

  2. :D I am dreading the days that I have to take the bus to work dressed--it will happen eventually! Cute post.
