Monday, June 20, 2011

Pulling Petals From a Flower

Life is filled with good and bad and I believe there is nothing in life that is one hundred percent great (except maybe that trip to Disney World...) or one hundred percent awful. In my last blog post, I mentioned trying to sort the good parts of my old job from the bad parts. I've been clearing out some old emails and photos (work computers were REALLY bad for a while) that were on my personal laptop and it was an emotional rollercoaster of what I loved about my job vs what I hated. Without further ado, I present:

I'll Miss This v. I WON'T Miss That Photo Blog 
(ala, He loves me, He loves me not.)

Throwing Hard-Earned Parties For Volunteers
I will miss That

Protection from asbestos, mouse reminders, and the like?

I WON'T miss that.

Going into old basements and exploring where people haven't been in years?

I will miss That.

There are snakes in that pond.

I WON'T miss that.

Days spent doing this? 

I will miss That.

I WON'T miss that.

Post-Event Parties?

I will miss That.

Being EVERYONE's go-to person?
I WON'T miss that.

Creating Exhibits
I will miss That.

Not being able to fix problems like this
I WON'T miss that.

Ladies Shoot
I will miss That.

Being a promotional model
I WON'T miss that.

Understanding this
I will miss That.

The stress
I WON'T miss that.


  1. It's so much easier to look back on the good parts once you're gone. I'm sure that by looking at the pics, even some of the "bad" parts are (fond) memories now.
    Enjoy the next chapter in your life, wherever that may lead.

  2. Thanks Shelly! Some things are good, some things are bad, but life goes on and it is a waste of time to dwell on either.
