Tuesday, June 7, 2011

American Pickers is My Dream Job

Seriously, it is. I've already mentioned how very much I love travel and history, so combine the two as a money-making endeavor where I get to meet and talk to new people? Ultimate win. If you've never seen it and are mildly interested in history, American Pickers is a fabulous show on the History Channel.

A lot of history-people that I am friends with are big on complaining that the History Channel does not do enough on history. While I really couldn't agree more, the shows that are on the History Channel are still pretty interesting. Personally, I feel like the History Channel is more of the American Anthropology Channel, but I digress. American Pickers is one of the few shows that still has a huge tie to history.

It follows the travels of Mike and Frank who run Antique Archeology out of Iowa, along with Danielle who is their "contact" finder. The contacts are people who collect all sorts of neat little knick knacks, amateur collectors, hoarders, and really, people who just don't throw anything away. Mike and Frank dig around, with permission, of course, in these people's yards, basements, garages, and barns in search of valuable antiques and collectibles. They build repertoires with the people they meet and offer cash for items they think they can sell for higher value or, recently, they search and buy items for museums and high-profile clients, like William Shatner.

I would love, love, love their job. I won't lie, I may or may not a little bit of a crush on Mike. Both he and Frank are really entertaining guys, profanity is kept to a minimum, and they have a visible passion for what they do and the history behind it (unlike the cast of Pawn Stars, but that's another story).

If anyone out there needs someone to be a picker for them, please, contact me. Mike, Frank, or Danielle...if you by any chance read this...I love you and your show. Advice would be greatly appreciated on how to get involved in something like that!

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