Thursday, June 2, 2011

Moving Up in the World

Yesterday, I was invited to blog for Wall Patch. It is going to take a little getting used to...what with being a whole new website to learn to maneuver, but I don't think it's anything I can't handle. Word has it that my readership will jump by 14,000 automatically. Yowza.

I am really thrilled for this opportunity for a couple of reasons. One, I love to write and I would someday love to write a book...or several. This could be a great step in that direction. Two, I'm a mover and a shaker and blogging to 14,000 people gives me a chance to help make a difference. I think I may actually be more excited for that. Three, I get to write about history from my point of view. Awesome.

I need to start writing a list about the various topics I could write about. I am totally open for they general topics (ie: I want to hear about elephants!) or a specific opinion (ie: who is your favorite president and why?) or something else.  You can bet that there will be topics I mentioned in the post about what I'm passionate about besides history too. I will always do my best to tie history into whatever topic I choose to write about.

If this is your first time reading Mary's Modern Mishaps, I'd just like to reiterate some ground rules. First and foremost, please don't swear and get ugly in the comments. I avoid this as much as possible in my posts and request you do the same. I firmly believe we can all get along even if we disagree. I will delete comments that attack others.

Secondly, this blog reflects my opinion. I'm open to your opinion, but I will not engage in debates over right and wrong when, as aforementioned, we can agree to disagree. I do avoid hot-button issues...keep politics and religion off my page, please and thank you.  I am fine with, "I'm Jewish and my culture believes this" and "I'm praying for you" etc. I am not fine with any form of religion bashing...this goes for anyone converting non-believers as well.

I would really like Mary's Modern Mishaps to be a blog that encourages its readers to open their eyes, think outside the box, help others, and learn history. I hope you stop by again soon!