Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Year's Resolution Recap

Today is the last day of January. We are one month in to 2012 and I thought it would be apropos to check in with my New Year's resolutions which I had posted here. So, lets review, shall we?

First on the list was blog more frequently. I had aimed for 15 blogs a month and this entry makes 15. In retrospect, I think 15 was a bit high, although doable. I think I shall be happy with a minimum of 12 a month. I sometimes found myself racking my brain searching for something to write about. However, January 2012, by the end of today will definitely be my second most read month since I started Mary's Modern Mishaps and it has the potential to be the MOST read month to date. That's a good accomplishment in my book.

Second on the list was to crack down on procrastinating. As this is a life change, the results are a little bit slower to come by, but I am pleased with what I have achieved so far. When I have had an idea, I have put my nose to the grindstone and at least started and made headway on many a goal and project. I even spent a day last week in a chair that is normally used as a pile-holder. I have made some headway with wedding planning, Greg and I have seen more than a few venues for sure.

Number three was to view Mary's Historical Programs as a full time job and not just a side business. I have tweaked this goal slightly. I have been pushing and working on the business a lot more than I have in the past. However, because I am in the fledgling stages still, its illogical to consider in a full time business as it does not make enough money to support me. I have revamped the webpage, created new programs, started a new ad campaign, and spent a few days this month actually working the business from 9-5 like a "real" job. Additionally, I have been interviewing and applying to jobs all month and have been quite lucky with scoring interviews at least. I consider this to be much better than the situation last year, so successful in my book.

Okay, four and five were pretty much failures. I haven't gone to church yet this year and I did start a work out  regime earlier this month, but fell off it with a killer cold that I am still trying to shake. Coupling this with three fourth birthday celebrations and saving money by getting pizza instead of going out to eat has not helped. So four and five need some serious review and revamping.

Six was to organize finances and that has definitely been achieved. I won't say it is complete until tax season though. Seven was to pay off a student loan, I haven't quite gotten there yet, but I have paid off one credit card (okay, so the balance was $16.00) and I'm very close to paying off Banjo's vet bills, so that's a start. Eight was to save money and its success depends on how we decide to look at determining it. On one hand, we have been putting more money into our wedding fund and generally spending less. On the other, we have run into some financial hiccups that are causing less income.

Nine was to watch the AFI's 10 year anniversary of the 100 greatest movies ever made. We watched The Godfather, Gone With The Wind, and got through half of West Side Story. We, then encountered a power failure that brought the cry of, "Oh, Thank GOD!" from Greg who flat out refused to watch the rest of it. I think we will be altering the plan to watch all 100. I'm just glad Greg made the call before we decided to sit down for the three hour silent film on the list.

Number ten was to stay positive and on top of everything and so far, so good. There have definitely been a few "off" days, but ultimately, I'm feeling pretty good about this year and I am enjoying making goals and accomplishing them. Finances, as always, are my biggest concern, but Greg and I are working together to focus on what we want and how we are going to get there and that has been very reassuring.  I think tomorrow I might list my goals for February, why just work on goals for the whole year at a clip. I think I'll make this a monthly thing!