Tuesday, January 24, 2012

No Apologies

I have been feeling very negative these past few days, which has made it difficult to blog. In my first post, as I have mentioned plenty of times since then, I said I never wanted to whine or be annoying in Mary's Modern Mishaps. I am finding that I am often frustrated because I am so worried and wrapped up in other people's feelings, I never do what I want. So, today, I don't care. Today, I am going on a tangent.

I am convinced the job market is the way it is because people only think about themselves. Those who are making billions of dollars a year look for ways to cut spending in their companies. Now, if they looked for ways to cut spending in their personal lives, I'm sure they would realize they don't need to be making billions. Yes, I am aware, and actually support the idea of someone working to the point of making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. My rant here is NOT about who deserves what pay, it is about what happened to the decency of mankind.

I have a question for the CEO who looks to increase his billion dollar empire by opening another Wal-mart, Starbucks. or any other dime a dozen franchise: how do you sleep at night? I'm not eloquent enough to express indignation, but I urge you to watch Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices.

That is the entire movie, just fyi, available on YouTube. The only word to describe it is: DISGUSTING.

I don't anyone to think I am writing this blog because of the situation I am in. I have been very lucky to have received several interviews this month, alone. However, many jobs are advertised as one thing and are ultimately a sales job. If you are happy in a sales job, that's great. To me, however, there is nothing ickier in legal professions than a sales job, save maybe a defense lawyers for child murderers or something. Anyway, I happen to feel like my purpose in life is greater than to make money for a company.

Greg says I spend too much time worrying that my job defines me. He's probably right (he usually is) but I still feel like if you spend the brunt of your time doing something, it ought to be worthwhile. I guess it shouldn't define you, per se, but it should be something you are passionate, or at least proud, to represent. Shouldn't your daily actions be something you are proud of? Don't you want to know that what you are doing is worthwhile? I know I do.

I love running my own business. Sure, the taxes are daunting and the money is really, really bad right now, but it's all my responsibility. I have already booked enough shows to earn more than half of what I earned all of last year. That's not a bad start. I really don't think I can survive on just Mary's Historical Programs right now, but what annoys me is the most is how negative the response is. Yes, some people are very supportive, but a lot of people are "realistic," in their own words.

Let's be realistic then, shall we? First of all, most things people bring up to be "helpful" are often just insulting. "Do you realize the statistic are ___?", "Do you know how hard that is?", and "What are you going to do for money?" are some of my favorites. I find it insulting to think that people assume I haven't done any research when it comes to starting/running a business. As far as money is concerned, I'm not opposed to a part-time job, since I have researched, I know how very difficult making money can be. That's why I'm going to WORK to make my business SUCCEED!

I really, really hate when someone thinks I should have a full-time job instead of running my own business. Would I like to be rich? Well, is the Pope Catholic? For Pete's sake, who wants to be broke? However, I just don't have it in my nature to do something I hate so I make "decent pay." You can't put a price on happiness or self value. I'm proud of my business and I take it seriously. It's hard work trying to make a living independently and, right now, it's impossible, yes. I may have made roughly one month of "decent pay" last year, but that's no reason to give up.

Granted, Mary's Historical Programs, is not the next McDonald's or about to be backed by Donald Trump, but that's no reason why I shouldn't take myself as seriously as such companies. My work is original and it's a passion to me. It brings historically accurate information to people and it brings entertainment to many people who are often unable to go out for it. I make people smart and happy, which, I think, are two very admirable things to be.

I will end my tangent here. For future reference, my inability to stop ranting is why I strive to not rant.


  1. To laugh often and much;
    To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
    To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
    To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
    To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;
    To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
    This is to have succeeded.

  2. From someone who has worked for himself since he was 13. You have all the correct reasons for wanting to own your own business. Don't be angry at the masses. They don't have the passion and desires that you have. This does not make them any less or more than you....it is just a fact. I am sure to this day, that 99% of the people who know me, have said to themselves at least once in regards to my desire to not work for anybody else that I am F***ING crazy. Some of them have voiced there opinions to me openly. But what I have learned is that if I find out what the masses are doing and go the other way, I have a level of happiness that only those who do the same can appreciate. Unfortunately the closest people to you will become dream stealers. Not because they do it on purpose...but more because it is human nature to want to pull someone down when you see them rising above you. It is easier to do that, than for them to rise up to you. This might not make sense to you yet. But over time you will see what I am saying is true. When you rise above someone, you will no longer find that you want to hang around them because they are always trying to pull you down. This is most often seen in the negative attitude of most people. Because you have dreams of grandeur and they don't or have decided not to follow their dreams, they will subconsciously try to keep you down. Because of your positive nature people will view this as a threat. They will say, "How is this girl so positive and happy when when does not make enough money to pay her bills". Or, "She has no security and does not know what the future holds...she is nutz!" Make no mistake, it is your positive nature, that is at the heart of this battle. I am sure you understand the amount of negativity that you are surrounded with. Just on a day to day level. That is what I meant when I said. "find out what the masses are doing and go the other way" The masses are negative. Don't let them suck you in. What you are doing now, will define you in a way that others will resent. They will resent you for being free. Regardless of how much money you make or not. It will be other peoples desire to be in control of their lives the way you are.

    Keep up the fight! You are worth it!

    I hope you do not mind that I joined you in this ranting forum. Lol!

  3. I don't believe in wastefully spending money or needed hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's just not worth it to me. I'd rather spend time with my family and friends. We don't need expensive clothing and "toys" to have fun and live fulfilling lives.

    I also don't think we should be wasting the earth's resources like that. Imagine is everyone lived like millionaires?
