Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I Have Caught A Bug...

Not, fortunately, of the sickness variation (at least, not physical health sickness). I am addicted to antique stores and flea markets. Oh, it's terrible. I've already admitted to my obsession with American Pickers, so it should come as no surprise that now that I have participated in a flea market here, I have pretty much gone off the deep end.

Recently, as recently as yesterday, actually, I read an entire price guide cover to cover. I will not lie and tell you that as a source of income, being a picker is appealing. It most certainly is. However, picking is far from a lucrative business. Can it be? Sure, but it takes lots of research and patience and people skills.

If this is not the first time you are reading my blog, you already know that I'm a history lover. If you have read several of my posts, you may recall my mentioning how very much I enjoy recycling. I guess "reduce, reuse, recycle!" was drilled in exceptionally well when I was a child. If you are lucky enough to be my friend in "real life" or, even luckier, and related to me, you know I have a bizarre obsession with finding the perfect present and a penchant for awesome deals.

So I have reached an amazing conclusion: I want to be a picker for collectors. See, I don't want to be exploiting people in anyway. I want to go to flea markets and garage sales, etc (yay!) to find historical treasures (yay!) and save them from the trash (yay!) and sell them to people who really want them (yay!) so history can be preserved (yay!) and everyone is happy!

Here is my one problem. I do not want to be a person whose entire goal in life is to get rich off of scamming people. I literally want to be like, okay, you want, for example, Elvis Memorabilia. You want to spend a maximum of X. I go find it for you. You pay me x%. That is all. It is such a wonderful system and a great hobby for a history buff, shopping lover like myself.  So the problem? Well, I don't know how to find these collectors! I don't really want to get super involved in Ebay or something like that. I'm still looking around, but any suggestions would be most appreciated!

I will return tomorrow with more Civil War extravaganza...I have three more days of Gettysburg under my belt to share!

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