Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Recovering from a Reenactment

I don't know about you, but I am one of those people who needs a vacation after a vacation. Teddy, Faith, and I finally got home about 11:00 last night and I hit the bed, not to move again until 9:00 a.m. Today has been spent recovering from the reenactment and pilgrimage to Gettysburg. The first step to recovery is catching up on the sleep. We did sleep while in the hotel, but our bed was not the best and nights we not very restful.
The next step is figuring out where everything is. Teddy didn't have time to unpack the van before heading out to work this morning, so I came home with my suitcase, laundry, and new purchases. All my necessities and new possessions are accounted for, so that is good. I derailed a bit once I got home and started to clean up my room.

Since I went to the New Egypt Flea Market last Wednesday, I have been trying to make more room in my bedroom. I am planning on going back to the Market next Saturday because I had such good results on a day that was reportedly very slow. In addition to making some pocket money, the flea market helped get rid of stuff which was fantastic. I have so much stuff I don't need.

I, of course, am also catching up with my family who I haven't seen in about a week as I went to Teddy's house Wednesday night. I'm still basking in man-made cooling devices: air conditioning, fans, ice cream, whatever. I don't think I will ever be cool enough! While driving home last night, the temperature actually dropped to the 80's. It seemed so unreal to see it so low.

Since I have this wind going, I'm going to accomplish all I can as long as I can today. I will continue with my adventures either this evening or tomorrow!

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