Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekend Workload

I have two consecutive days "off." I use the term loosely because I feel like I have a bigger workload on my days off than my days at my "official" job. Its tough to juggle Mary's Historical Programs, personal life, social life, and love life all at the same cram everything into two days. In the next two days, I have a vet appointment for Banjo, taxes, an invoice to get out, student loans are due, shopping with Teddy's sister, finding my bedroom carpet, and laundry. And that's bare minimum. It is hard, to say the least, to handle what needs to be done, let alone
try to come up with more creative ideas, like better ways to advertise.

Ohhh, advertising. I have a love/hate relationship with it. The creative part of me loves it. The wallet, ehhh, not so much. You can add to my to-do list a second mailing to schools. I totally get the whole "you have to put money into a company to get money back" thing. It is tough to take that gamble though. Really tough.

I don't mean to whine. (I realize I could delete everything I wrote thus far and save the apology, but then I wouldn't have a blog at all.) Anyway, this is my Friday night and I'm ready to crash. Sadly, for me, The Red Sox are playing the Yankees and I am at Teddy's house. Though baseball always trumps least I know what's going on in baseball.

I will be blogging a more interesting and less complain-y blog soon. The sesquicentennial is this week and I'm looking into making a commercial or two for the company. I have been instructed to come up with an idea and then my film artist/tech guy/contact camera person (more on him soon) will "make it happen." Sooo, i'm fried tonight....anyone have a mini screenplay focused on civil war clothes?

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