Monday, April 18, 2011

Quickie before Road Trip

I don’t remember ever seeing a spring as beautiful as this one. This year, the colors seem more vibrant, the trees seem fuller, the rain falls clearer, the birds sing louder, the flowers smell sweeter, and the sun shines brighter. My first reenactment of the year is coming up in two weeks and I am very, very, very excited. I almost feel like a flash back to high school with how excited I am.
I wasn’t a very social kid in high school. I did not have the patience for the drama and politics of teenagers. Already interested in history, I was more than aware that 130 years ago, kids my age were dying in the Civil War. Homecoming queen didn’t seem so important to me. In fact, in all four years I went to six social functions: three school plays, a “Mr. JMHS”  (a talent show for the boys in my grade), a poetry slam coordinated by one of my teachers for which I got extra credit for going to, and Prom. I’m not really sure if the poetry slam counts since I went for the extra credit. I do recall going with Sister 1. She was in college at the time and at one point after listening to teenagers “jamming” their poetry, turned to me and said, “I’m so grateful you aren’t an angsty teenager!” As aforementioned, we didn’t get on so well back then and that may very well have been the nicest thing she ever said to me up to that point.

I’d love to go more into high school and reenacting, but it’s getting awful late and I am actually driving down to Baltimore to visit New Jersey Smith tomorrow, so I’m going to hit the hay. I will leave you with an interesting article I found on yahoo though. I definitely have always gotten this vibe, but am still sad that there seems to be some truth in it:

Alrighty, well, check back Tuesday or Wednesday for wild Baltimore Adventures and some photos (hopefully). Oh, and I haven't forgotten the silly pictures from the first show, they will be a'comin!

1 comment:

  1. I am quite sure that was not the nicest thing I'd ever said to you :-p
