Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh!

Last night's blog was too whiny for my taste, so I decided to do two things to fix that. One, I won't blog when I'm ready to pass out for the night anymore and two, for safety's sake, I'm drinking coffee too. People who know me in the real world know that I simply cannot function without my caffeine.

I thought I'd give some of that social media another try today...I really wanted to get a Facebook Like button on Mary's Modern Mishaps, but unfortunately I was unable to figure it out. Touche, technology, touche. Rather than despair over this, I decided to try another blog suggestion I read yesterday and that was...

A Top Ten List: The Top 10 Funny, History Bits From the Web
(In No Particular Order)

Okay, so these might not be THE top ten, but it's a list of ten funny things pertaining to reenacting and living history and the like. 

1).  Came across this little gem last year while researching 1800's era dances. I did, in fact, watch all of the movie, but it was not as funny as this promo video.

2).  I love Jonah Begone. His website is always hilarious and he updates it quite frequently. If you are not a reenactor, some of the humor might be lost on you, but some stuff is just funny Civil War history. If you are a reenactor, why haven't you seen this before??? This one is one of my personal favorites, but the whole site is great.

3). Normally, mocking reenacting upsets me, but this is really funny. Also, I think many a reenactor has found an awesome deal on something historic that he or she has seriously considered wearing/using it when it isn't really accurate.

4.) Again, if you are a reenactor who hasn't seen are missing out my friend. This is part one and absolutely hysterical. Carol's dress made of curtains is comedic gold in my book.  Make sure you check out part 2!

5). Real or just for fun, I don't know, but entertaining regardless

6). I think Teddy actually sent me this one. Why focus only on Civil War? I played the "old" version of Oregon Trail in Elementary was much, much harder than the modern one and this well-made parody brings up the old memories.

7). Yep, we have one too. Not all of them are true...maybe in the future I'll post the list and tell  you which are true for me. Let me know if you are interested.

8). I've already blogged my love of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, so I can't omit my favorite scene. Just a note, I break my own anti-profanity rule with this one.

9). OMG. Love, love, love this one! Forgot about it, thankfully my good friend Harper reminded me.

10).  Some people think this is what women looked like during the Civil War. Please. Don't be one of them.

Here's a bonus video if you didn't recognize the title:

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