Saturday, October 8, 2011

To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

That is the question, indeed. Nearly everything I have read about business and blogging has basically screamed at me to go set up a Twitter. I'm really on the fence about this. On one hand, if everyone is saying a business/blog needs to be on Twitter, there must be some ounce of truth to the matter. On the other hand, I am maxed out on technological outreach.

On the pro-side, yes, there are a lot of people to reach on Twitter. If I am clever/witty/informative/interesting/frequent/etc. I could be very successful on Twitter. However, I don't necessarily feel like my Twitter would have anything to do with my business. My business, Mary's Historical Programs, is still fledgling. I started Mary's Modern Mishaps to go hand in hand with Mary's Historical Programs, but as my blog continues, I spend more time focusing on writing than I do about making it pertain to my business.

The fact is, I like to write. I love to write. My big setback is that writing does not pay the bills, whereas Mary's Historical Programs was founded for that purpose...well, to make paying the bills a more enjoyable day-to-day occupation and to teach people about history. I'm still trying to settle into a comfort zone with the business though. I would really like to branch out and just hire myself out as a lecturer on pretty much any and all history, but my only real credential would be, "I like history and have a B.A. in it."

Which leads me to the question can I promote myself as better than the next history buff? The answer that I have come up with is to write something and make a name for myself. This, in turn, leads me back to the blog. Some sort of screwy circle of life, I suppose.

So, back to the original question: to tweet or not to tweet? As of right now, I think I will hold out on the Twitter until, at least, I know what I want to tweet about. Maybe I will catch a little flack from Twitter and social media zealots, but that's okay. I'd rather be sure and steady in my business and then worry about advertising. Thoughts?

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